Top 20 Cognizant AWS (Cloud Engineer) Interview Questions and Answers

Cognizant Top asked AWS (Cloud Engineer) Interview Questions and Answers. Recently asked Cognizant AWS interview Questions and collective answers for you.

Cognizant AWS (Cloud Engineer) Interview Questions and Answers. As a fresh graduate eager to kickstart a career in the tech industry, as per market analysis we have collected some recently faced an interview for an AWS profile at Cognizant. All We are familiar with Cognizant as a leading global IT services company. The entire experience is discussed in this article so read it carefully if you are going to attend the AWS interview in Cognizant or any other MNC company as like same. So for attending this interview you need to know about cloud computing and networking part with good hands-on exposure to crack the interview. Any IT domain fresh or experienced candidate will be able to understand.

Here is in the below section the lists of collections of ann Cognizant AWS Interview question and expected answers which are recently asked by the Technical Interviewer.

A Fresh Graduate’s Journey in Cognizant AWS Profile

Q. What Is AWS EC2 Service?

A. AWS EC2 is Elastic Compute Cloud (ECC -> EC2) is a horizontal and vertical scalable environment where we can deploy any applications or web service as a virtual machine as a pay you go model. There are multiple types of memory optimized and CPU optimized virtual machines in AWS console panel.

Q. Why do we use AWS CloudTrail?

A: The main use of AWS Cloud Trail service is to monitoring and governance. The AWS Cloudtrail we can get the details like all the activities in infrastructure changes and we can track through log. We can use AWS Athena to get the logs query and check all the details. The main purpose is to maintain governance, operational auditing, and risk auditing of the user in AWS account.

Q. What is AWS Lambda Service and Why do we use It?

A: AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service and we can run code without provisioning or managing serversas (Run code without thinking about servers or clusters) a pay you go model. In Aws Lambda we can run, execute backend code and also Deploy and manage the apps on AWS Cloud. There we can run multiple code like, Java, Node JS, Python etc. through Lambda service.

Q. Tell me about Amazon ElasticCache.

A: Amazon ElastiCache is web service for in-memory data store and cache service to help the data collection in application. The elastiCache is situated in between web application and database to retrieve the data more faster than original data retrivation time. In this way we can improve the performance of web applications. There are two types of elasticache are presented by AWS i) Memcache ii) Redis, According to the application architect and the mode of the application we can choose that accordingly.

Q. Mention all the types of AMI provided by AWS.

A: AWS AMI is the Amazon Machine Image, where we will choose the type of Machine, that will run our application. There are multiple options are there like, AWS linux, Redhat, Windows Server, Ubuntu then we need to choose EBS snapshots. We can modify or scalable the configuration like AMI, the instance type, RAM disk, and user data by stopping the instance.

Q. How can we restore a resource from S3 if deleted?

A: In Amazon S3, we can achieve this facility by when we are creating our bucket in S3, we need to make a changes in version control as active state. Through this way if some resource is deleted through application or manual action then from version control we can restore the previous version data in s3 bucket.

Q. What is Amazon AWS EMR Service?

A: Amazon EMR stands for Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR) is a complete software framework. AWS EMR is maintained a cluster platform that simplifies running big data frameworks, such as Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, on AWS. It will helps the developers to code that process large amounts of data. Through EMR that process the big data processing for business analysis and reporting. It also transform and move large amounts of data into and out of other AWS data stores and databases, such as Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB.

Q. Why do we use the Amazon cloud search?

A: Amazon CloudSearch is a fully managed service in aws that is very easy to set up, manage, and scale a search solution for any website or application. We can setup any search like free text, Boolean, and Faceted search, Autocomplete suggestions through AWS managed cloud search.

Q. What are the storage classes available in Amazon s3?

A: The Types of storage class available in Amazon s3 that includes i) S3 Intelligent-Tiering, ii)S3 Standard-Infrequent Access [3 Standard-IA] iii) S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access (S3 One Zone-IA).

Q. How can you send a request to Amazon S3?

A: AWS S3 is working in REST service. So we can send requests to Amazon S3 using the REST API or the AWS SDK as per the code like java, python or react, angular wrapper libraries. We can simplifying our programming tasks and can request S3 service through REST API.

Q. Explain How you can vertically scale an Amazon instance?

A: As we are familiar with vertical and horizontal scale for any resource. So in AWS instance is elastic resource and we can do both scale. In horizontal scale we can achieve through auto scaling policy and as you asked we can achieve vertical scale through modifying by stopping the Instance. So we can manage by the demands of the application. Vertical Scaling is done by adding more power e.g. CPU, RAM up to 488 GB of RAM or 128 virtual cores of CPU of an existing machine.

Q. What is a Serverless application in AWS?

A: The AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building any serverless application. AWS Lambda, fargate, SQS, SNS, EventBridge environment that serves as serverless service in AWS console panel. We locally build, test, and debug applications without maintaining any aws infrastructure through SAM templates. You can also use SAM CLI to deploy any applications as well.

Q. What is Redshift?

A: Amazon redshift is a fast, fully managed, and cost-effective data warehouse that gives us petabyte scale data warehousing and exa byte scale data take analysis together in one service. Amazon redshift is up to ten times faster than traditional on-premises data wirehouse. Get unique insights by querying across petabyte of data in redshift and exa bytes of structured data or open file formats in aws s3, without the need to move or transform data.

Q. What are the major components associated With Amazon Web Services?

A: The key components in aws are mentioned below:
Amazon Cluster.
Management and security.
Application services.
Monitoring & Governance.
Implementation and management.

Q. What is the difference Between Scalability and Flexibility?

A: In AWS: Scalability means to the increase or decrease in size or quantity of the resources we are using. Flexibility is the Elasticity of the resources to scale in or scale out of the aws resources.

Q. Why will we choose Amazon Cloud Front?

A: Amazon CloudFront offers different secure edge CDN computing capabilities through CloudFront Functions. We can leverage the CDN facility through Lambda@Edge. CloudFront Functions is the best for high scale and latency sensitive to serve any web application through the internet. All the web application .CSS and .JS files are stored in CDN edge and from that edge user can retrieve the application as a faster way.

Q. What Are The Key Features Of The Amazon EC2 Service?

A: The Key Feature of Amazon EC2 service is to provide a powerful feature with scalability, and elasticity for any enterprise class application. We can scale down or scale up any instance resource like processor or memory.

The selected candidate in Cognizant AWS Profile met with a panel of seasoned professionals who were keen to learn about their understanding of AWS services, cloud architecture, and problem-solving abilities. With confidence and a positive attitude, the selected candidate dove into discussing my projects, certifications, and real-world experiences that highlighted their proficiency in AWS. So in this article we have discussed with cognizant AWS Interview questions and respective answers to crack the Interview. For more related Cognizant Interview questions please Freshers Inc. website regularly.

Is Cognizant interview easy or difficult?

Cognizant is an MNC Company and the Interview process is very difficult as per the market survey. They hire talented technical candidates, so if you want to crack the Cognizant AWS interview round so you need to have a core concept.

What is the AWS interview answer?

We have collected some recently faced cognizant Technical AWS interview question and their respective answers. So you can gone through all above.

What are the coding questions asked in Cognizant interview?

They may ask different coding questions like, a shell program or Python program. To maintain AWS infra candidate should also have some Java, React, or Angular concept

How to crack a Cognizant interview?

Make a Proper preparation before any Cognizant interview, clear all core concept AWS they might ask different realtime scenario based question

About: Shibham S

I am a Technical Expert with over 10 years of experience working in a MNC company. I specialize in application level technologies and have practical knowledge in various areas. Through my network, I stay updated on the latest news in the IT domain. I want to share new updates, my knowledge and experience through these articles.

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