Top 20 Cognizant Python Interview Questions and Answers. In this post we have collected multiple different sources on social media Linkedin and others an personal experience who have recently faced the Cognizant Python Interview round. We have collected all the questions and relevant answers below. The interview panel was organized by experienced professionals who have well known and hands on industry exposure in Python programming. Here are all the Top 20 Cognizant Python Interview Questions.
- 1 Cognizant Python Interview Experience
- 1.0.1 Q. What is Python?
- 1.0.2 Q. Benefits of Using Python
- 1.0.3 Q. Is Python Compiled or Interpreted?
- 1.0.4 Q. What Does the ‘#’ Symbol Do in Python?
- 1.0.5 Q. What are Mutable vs. Immutable Data Types?
- 1.0.6 Q. Why do we use passing Arguments in Python?
- 1.0.7 Q. What is the difference between Set vs. Dictionary?
- 1.0.8 Q. What is List Comprehension?
- 1.0.9 Q. What is a Lambda Function?
- 1.0.10 Q. What is a ‘pass’ statement in Python?
- 1.0.11 Q. Difference Between / and // in Python
- 1.0.12 Q. How we can use Exception Handling in Python?
- 1.0.13 Q. What is the swapcase Function?
- 1.0.14 Q. For Loop vs. While Loop in Python
- 1.0.15 Q. Passing a Function as an Argument
- 1.0.16 Q. What are *args and **kwargs?
- 1.0.17 Q. Is Indentation Required in Python?
- 1.0.18 Q. What is Scope in Python?
- 1.0.19 Q. What is a Docstring in Python?
- 1.0.20 Q. What is a Dynamically Typed Language?
Cognizant Python Interview Experience
Q. What is Python?
A: Python is a popular open source high level programming language invented by Guido van Rossum in 1991. The community regularly developed and released the version. It is known for its simplicity and readability it allowing developers to write the code easily.
Popular real time Python code Applications:
- Any Script for the automation
- Web Development
- Game Development
- Software Development
- Logical Mathematics
Q. Benefits of Using Python
A: Python delivers multiple advantages. Through Python code we can create powerful tools.
- Object Oriented Language (OOL): It Supports concepts like all classes and objects.
- High Level Language (HLL): Easier to read and write compared to low level languages.
- Dynamically Typed: No need to declare variable types.
- Extensive Libraries: A vast range of libraries for various applications.
- Third-Party Modules: Access to additional functionalities via third party modules.
- Open Source: Free available and supported by a large their community.
- Portable: It can run on various operating systems like, windows, linux, mac etc.
- Interactive: Interactive testing and easy debugging.
Q. Is Python Compiled or Interpreted?
A: Python is both a compiled and interpreted language. When we run a Python program it first compiles the code into bytecode and then interpreted by the Python Virtual Machine (PVM). This is why Python is making the game changing code for the new IT domain.
Q. What Does the ‘#’ Symbol Do in Python?
A: The ‘#’ symbol is used to add comments in Python. Anything following the ‘#’ on the same line is ignored by the interpreter. It is only used to understand purpose when multiple developers is working on the same code or program.
Q. What are Mutable vs. Immutable Data Types?
A: In the python language both are data type languages. So the main difference is mentioned in below.
Mutable Data Types: Can be changed after creation. Examples: List, Dictionary.
Immutable Data Types: Cannot be changed after creation. Examples: String, Tuple.
Q. Why do we use passing Arguments in Python?
A: In Python everything is an object and variables hold references to these objects. When we pass ny arguments to a function then we are passing references to the objects so not the actual objects themselves. Therefore We can modify mutable objects within a function but not the immutable ones.
Q. What is the difference between Set vs. Dictionary?
A: Set: An unordered collection of unique elements.
Dictionary: A collection of key value pairs ordered in Python 3.7 and later.
Q. What is List Comprehension?
A: List comprehension in python is a concise way to create lists based on existing tables.
my_list = [i for i in range(1, 10)]
Q. What is a Lambda Function?
A: A lambda function is an anonymous single expression function.
a = lambda x, y: x * y
print(a(7, 19)) # Output: 133
Q. What is a ‘pass’ statement in Python?
A: The ‘pass’ statement is a placeholder indicating that there is no action to be performed.
Q. Difference Between / and // in Python
A: / (Division): Performs floating point division.
// (Floor Division): Performs integer division discarding the remainder.
5 / 2 # Output: 2.5
5 // 2 # Output: 2
Q. How we can use Exception Handling in Python?
A: Python uses try or except or finally blocks for exception handling. Each details are mentioned below.
try: Code to monitor for errors.
except: Code to execute if an error occurs.
finally: Code to execute regardless of whether an error occurred.
Q. What is the swapcase Function?
A: The swap case method returns a string with uppercase characters converted to lowercase and vice versa.
string = "FresherssInc."
print(string.swapcase()) # Output: fRESHERSiNC.
Q. For Loop vs. While Loop in Python
A: For Loop: Iterates over elements of a collection (e.g., List, Tuple).
While Loop: Repeats as long as a condition is true.
Q. Passing a Function as an Argument
A: In Python functions can be passed as arguments to other functions allowing for higher order functions.
Q. What are *args and **kwargs?
A: *args: Passes a variable number of non keyword arguments.
**kwargs: Passes a variable number of keyword arguments.
Q. Is Indentation Required in Python?
A: Yes! indentation is crucial in Python to define the scope of loops, functions, and other control structures.
Q. What is Scope in Python?
A: Scope defines where a variable can be accessed. We are listed down the scope in Python:
Local: Variables defined within a function.
Global: Variables defined outside any function.
Module Level: Global variables within a module.
Outermost: Built in names accessible from anywhere.
Q. What is a Docstring in Python?
A: Docstrings provide documentation for Python modules / classes / methods and functions.
Declaring: Use triple quotes (”’ or “””) immediately after the definition.
Accessing: Use the __doc__ attribute or help() function.
Q. What is a Dynamically Typed Language?
A: In dynamically typed languages like Python the data type of a variable is determined at runtime not in advance. The interpreter assigns types based on the value of the variable.
Statically Typed: Data type known at compile time.
Dynamically Typed: Data type is known at runtime.